-NoMaFo- Folkehøjskole In Japan

Welcome To NoMaFo


Are you looking for something different to do?  Are you a HS grad, wondering…?  Are you a college student wondering if you are going in a direction that is good for you?   Need time away in a supportive, fun, growthful atmosphere to think, give yourself time to consider your life and what you really feel?

NoMaFo is a gap year program based on the Scandinavian Folk High School with 150 years of experience and still attracting students locally and from the world.  Living together, with alternative ways of learning, processing different ways of experiencing the world together.  NoMaFo is an excellent choice.



We plan to open NoMaFo in 2017.  Through various trial programs, we have formed a program where we learn through nature, experiences, relating to others and deepening those relationships.


About NoMaFo →

Nojiri / Madarao

NoMaFo is blessed with a beautiful setting in Nagano in western Japan. We are surrounded by majestic mountains and have a pristine mountain lake to enjoy. It's inspirational in all seasons.


Nojiri / Madarao →



At NoMaFo learning is through many modalities: Interaction, candid self expression, time spent alone in nature, learning through moving the body and a wide range of activities.


About Curriculum →


Do you want to be more deeply immersed in nature?  Would you like to enjoy mountains, rivers, lakes and skies? Enjoy mastering a newly found talent?


About Activities →



And in English, Folk High School, is a free-styled program which is attended after formal high school is finished.  The concept was initiated by NFS Grundtvig in the 1840’s.


About Folkehøjskole →

Life At NoMaFo

NoMaFo Japan will bring us something different every day.  Prepare for an awesome ride with ups and downs, and intellectual and creative challenges.


Life At NoMaFo →